For the SdH experiments, the samples were mounted as for the
resistivity measurements described in section .
The dc transverse magnetoresistance was measured in fields up
to 23 tesla and at temperatures from 4.2 to 1.2 K using
currents from 0.1 to 10 mA. A typical 1.2 K data set for a
stage 1 alpha-phase CsBi-GIC is shown in Figure
The resistance of the GIC approximately doubled at 23 T from
its zero-field value. The approximately quadratic,
downward-curving, behavior at low field is characteristic of
saturation due to closed orbits in the planes perpendicular
to the magnetic field.[79]
This non-oscillatory portion of the data was fit and subtracted off. The data were Fourier transformed using a program written by Dr. M. Shayegan. This algorithm uses a Hamming window to eliminate aliasing due to the truncation of the field sweeps at 23 T. Experience with this program showed that nonetheless peaks in Fourier intensity at frequencies less than about 30 T were very susceptible to the details of the background fit. For this reason, it is thought that the lowest-frequency peaks observed in the Fourier transforms of Ref. [79] (labeled alpha there) are probably spurious ones, due to suboptimal background fits. Removal of these alpha frequencies from Table II in Ref. [79] improves the agreement between the Dresselhaus-Leung model[65] and the data. A similar comment could be made with respect to Table I in Ref. [245]. Fortunately, the quantitative data analysis in Ref. [79,245] relies on the highest SdH frequency and not the lowest ones, and so is unaffected by the spurious low frequencies. In the analysis reported here, the background was carefully fit and subtracted before the data was fed to the Fourier transform program.
Figure: The transverse magnetoresistance of
a C4CsBi0.6 (stage 1,
alpha-phase) sample at 1.2 K with a current of 1 mA.
The current is applied in the graphite planes; the magnetic
field is along the graphite c-axis.