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Structure of C8K, a typical
stage 1 intercalation compound. Stage n means that n layers
of graphite are present between each pair of intercalant
layers.[67] a) The layer
structure. The lattice constant along the direction
perpendicular to the planes is called Ic in
GIC's. b) Three common in-plane structures. C8K
has the (2 × 2)R0° structure.
Evidence for dimensionality crossover in a
Nb/Ge superlattice.[208] Solid lines are fits to
the KLB theory.[131] The
direction marked ``||'' means _|_ ^c in the vernacular of
GIC's and the direction marked ``_|_'' is || ^c in GIC
terms. The Hc2 data marked _|_ is almost
unaffected by the dimensionality crossover. The
Hc2 data marked || covers the range from the
fully 3D regime (45 Å/ 7 Å specimen) to the
fully 2D regime (45 Å/ 50 Å specimen). The
intermediate 65 Å/35 Å specimen shows a
crossover from 3D to 2D character as the temperature is
Hc2(t) data on Nb/Ta
superlattices showing two low-temperature critical field
discontinuities. From Ref. [30]. The discontinuity in
slope at t 0.8-0.9 is the 3D-2D coupling change. The
identity of the lower transition at t = 0.49 has not been
definitely determined.
Hc2(theta) data on Nb/Ta
superlattices from Ref. [29]. The data is for three
samples at a reduced temperature t = 0.9. Lambda is
the bilayer period, which corresponds to Ic in
the GIC case. Data in the trace marked 3D are fit with Eqn.
, while data in the
traces marked 2D are fit with Eqn.
Tc vs layer thickness in Nb/Cu
superlattices. From Ref. [14]. The decrease of
Tc with decreasing thickness of the
superconducting component is predicted by proximity-effect
theories.[49,54] The predictions of the
standard proximity-effect theories is indicated by the
solid line. The proximity effect calculation modified to
allow a thickness-dependent Tc for the Nb layers
is indicated by the dashed line.
Hc2(theta) for a high-
Tc superconductor. From Ref. [118]. Each set of symbols
corresponds to a different definition of Hc2.
For example, the curve labeled 0.7 R N was
obtained by plotting versus theta the values of H
that satisfy R(H,theta) = 0.7 RN. Each
curve is also labeled in parentheses with the magnitude of
the anisotropy parameter 1/epsilon that was used for
the fit to Eqn.
Phase diagrams of the K-Hg and Cs-Bi
binary alloys.[103]
Range of compositions of the starting
alloy which will produce a given stage GIC in the K-Hg and
Cs-Bi binary systems. From Ref. [145]. Upper, K-Hg system. In
region (1), C8K is produced; in region (2),
C4KHg; in region (3), C8KHg; in
region (4), C12KHg; in region (5), higher-stage
binary compounds, or no reaction. Lower, Cs-Bi system. In
region (1), C8Cs is produced; in (2),
C4CsBi; in region (3), no reaction.
(00l) x-ray scans for pink and
gold C4KHg. The large peak near 22° in each
scan is from the copper sample holder. The broad hump from
about 6° to 14° is due to the glass tube that the
sample holder is in. a) Ic = (10.22 ±
0.03) Å pink sample. Tc = 1.53 K. b)
Ic = (10.18 ± 0.03) Å gold sample.
Tc = 0.95 K.
(00l) x-ray scans before and after
hydrogenation for a gold C4KHg sample. The broad
hump from about 6° to 14° is due to the glass tube
that the sample is in. Before: Tc = 0.84 K gold
C4KHg sample. Ic = (10.24 ±
0.03) Å. After: Same sample as in ``Before'' picture,
only after exposure to 200 torr hydrogen gas. Tc
= 1.535 K. Ic = (10.24 ± 0.03)
(00l) x-ray scans for
alpha-phase stage 1 CsBi-GIC's. The broad hump from
about 6° to 14° is due to the glass tube that the
sample holder is in. a) Ic = (10.61 ±
0.03) Å alpha-phase sample. b) Similar
(00l) scan taken by Bendriss-Rerhrhaye.[17] In b), theta is
increasing from right to left, whereas in a) 2theta
is increasing from left to right.
Raman spectra on gold and pink
C4KHg. a) Spectrum of a Tc = 0.719 K
gold sample with a single Ic value = 10.14
Å. The peak frequency is 1597.1 cm-1 and
the HWHM is 13.2 cm-1. b) Spectrum of a
Tc = 1.53 K pink sample with a single
Ic value = 10.22 Å. The peak frequency is
1593.9 cm-1 and the HWHM is 15.5
X-ray and neutron diffraction
(00l) spectra of a gold C4KHg specimen.
The beta-phase peaks are marked with
downarrow. a) Only the Ic = 10.24 Å
alpha phase is clearly visible using x-rays. The
small bump to the left of the (002) may be the
beta-phase (002) peak. b) With neutrons, both the
Ic = 10.24 Å alpha phase and the
Ic = 10.83 Å beta phase show
well-defined peaks.
Neutron diffraction spectra of a gold
C4KHg specimen with hydrogen and a pink specimen
without hydrogen. Note the lack of beta phase in
either sample. a) Spectrum of a gold sample whose
Tc was 0.84 K before hydrogenation and 1.54 K
afterward. b) Spectrum of a pink C4KHg
Definition of the distances zi
used in the fits to the neutron diffraction data (from Ref.
[272]). The distances
are measured from the center of the sandwich, halfway
between the mercury layers. Deltaz, the Hg layer
splitting, is twice the distance of the Hg layers from z =
Real-space structure of the majority
phase of C4KHg along the c-axis as calculated
from the Fourier transform of the extended neutron
diffraction data. All plots were scaled to a carbon peak
height of 1.0. a) Plot of nuclear scattering intensity
versus distance along the graphite c-axis for a pink sample
(*) and a gold sample (circ). b) A similar plot
comparing the structure of the MIT pink sample (*) to a
structure (circ) calculated from fit parameters
reported by Yang et al.[272]
Experimental definition of
a) dc magnetization versus field for
ideal type I and type II superconductors. Hc1 is
the lower critical field, Hc is the
thermodynamic critical field, and Hc2 is the
upper critical field. kappa <
1/sqrt2 indicates type I superconductivity;
kappa 0.8 indicates weak type II behavior;
kappa 2 indicates strongly type II behavior. b) ac
susceptibility versus field for ideal type II
superconductor with kappa 0.8. Adapted from Ref.
A sketch of the sample holder used in
the critical field measurements. The dimension d of
the metal piece was chosen to be the inner diameter of the
sample tube so that the holder would be centered and fixed
inside the tube. A careful effort was made to orient the
carbon (graphene) planes parallel to the holder's surface.
The GIC's were affixed to the metal pieces with Apiezon N
A schematic drawing of the inductance
bridge. The sample capsule was placed inside the primary
coil. The windings were made from 38 gauge magnet wire.
There were 20 complete layers of winding in the secondary
coils and 2 complete layers of winding in the primary.
A schematic of the data acquisition
system. For zero-field temperature sweeps, the thermometer
voltage was attached to the x-input of the flatbed plotter.
For fixed-temperature magnetic field sweeps, the dc output
of a stepping motor on the magnet power supply was attached
to the x-input of the plotter.
Illustration of how a sample which is
only partially superconducting can mimic full
superconductivity in an inductive transition.
a) Definition of the angle theta,
the angle between the applied magnetic field and the
graphite c-axis. This angle is the complement to that
usually used in the thin-film superconductivity literature,
but corresponds to customary usage in the GIC literature.
b) A sketch showing how Hc2 is determined
graphically from raw susceptibility versus magnetic field
data. Note the similarity of this trace to Figure
a) Superconducting transitions with the
magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the
graphite c-axis for a typical C4KHg sample.
Notice how much broader the transition is in the
vecH_|_ ^c case. b) Similar data from Iye and
Tanuma, Ref.[120],
Figure 2.
Critical field Hc2 as a
function of the angle theta for 4 C4KHg
GIC's at T 0.4 K. Fits (dotted lines) were calculated using
. a) Data for an MIT
C4KHg sample with Tc = 0.95 K
(circ) and also for a Tc = 0.73 K sample
(bullet) from Ref. [240]. For Tc = 0.95 K
sample, 1/epsilon = 10.0 and Hc2(0°)
= 24 Oe with a residual cal R = 0.29. For data of
Ref. [240],
1/epsilon = 11.3, Hc2(0°) = 26 Oe,
and cal R = 0.090. b) Data for two C4KHg
samples with Tc 1.5 K. (circ),
Tc = 1.53 K with 1/epsilon = 10.2,
Hc2(0°) = 46 Oe, and cal R = 0.73;
bullet, Tc = 1.54 K with 1/epsilon
= 9.5, Hc2(0°) = 47 Oe, and cal R =
Why a tilted sample affects the shape of
Hc2(theta). The notation ( vecH
cdot ^x)^x signifies the projection of vecH
along ^x. a) The aligned case. Rotations of the sample
around the vertical ^z allow theta to be varied all
the way from ( vecH||^c) to ( vecH_|_^c) (
vecH_|_^c = vecH|| ^a). b) The misaligned
case. Hc2,_|_^c can still be measured correctly,
but instead of the true value of Hc2||^c one
will get
The effect of sample tilt on
Hc2(theta). The three curves in this
picture were calculated using the parameters Hc2,||
^c = 42 Oe, anisotropy == 1/epsilon = 15 and
the following values for the tilt angle: (circ)
ø = 0°; (bullet) ø = 10°;
(diamond) ø = 40°. The ø = 0°
curve corresponds to one of the fits shown in Figure
b). Note that the
curves for ø = 10° and for ø = 0° are
almost indistinguishable.
The effect of mosaic spread on
Hc2(theta), calculated using Equation
. The same parameters
were used as in Figure
, except that here the mosaic spread, Delta, is
varied: (circ) Delta = 0°;
(bullet) Delta = 3°; (diamond)
Delta = 10°.
Comparison of the effect of the two
definitions of Hc2 on
Hc2(theta). circ, tangent
definition; diamond, 90% definition. Data are for a
Tc = 1.53 K sample at T/T c = 0.29.
The 90% method tends to produce slightly higher critical
fields, but there is only a small difference between the
shapes of the curves for the two analysis methods. Use of
the 90% definition does not improve agreement with Eqn.
Hc2(theta) for
C8K, from Ref. [141]. The fields are labeled
Hc2 in the type II region and Hc3 and
Hc in the type I region.
Hc2(theta) curves for
TaN showing a transition from type I to type II character
as a function of field direction. From Ref. [259]. TaN is the only bulk
superconductor besides C8K (and possibly
C4KHg) known to display this variability. The
temperatures at which the curves were taken and the
thermodynamic critical fields are indicated. Note that at
1.65 K, the sample is entirely type II, but that at 2.4 K
it is entirely type I.
Anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau model fits
(dotted curves) to Hc2(theta) data as a
function of temperature. All fits were produced with the
parameters tilt = 0° and mosaic spread = 0°. a) t =
0.29, Hc2,||^c = 47 Oe, anisotropy
(1/epsilon) = 9.5, and residual parameter cal
R = 1.18. b) t = 0.57, Hc2, ||^c = 33 Oe,
anisotropy (1/epsilon) = 5.5, and cal R =
1.25. c) t = 0.78, Hc2,||^c = 23.1 Oe,
anisotropy (1/epsilon) = 4.5, and cal R =
Anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau model fits
(dotted curves) to Hc2(theta) data as a
function of temperature, taking into account the
possibility of type I behavior. All fits were produced with
the parameters tilt = 0° and mosaic spread = 0°. a)
t = 0.29, Hc2,||^c = 35 Oe, anisotropy
(1/epsilon) = 14, Hc = 65 Oe, and
residual parameter cal R = 0.39. b) t = 0.57,
Hc2, ||^c = 19 Oe, anisotropy (1/epsilon)
= 15.5, Hc = 43 Oe, and cal R = 0.84. c)
t = 0.78, Hc2,||^c = 14.5 Oe, anisotropy (1/
epsilon) = 12.5, Hc = 24.5 Oe, and
cal R = 1.11.
Comparison of field sweeps between type
II and possible type I transitions. The vertical direction
is the inductive voltage, while the horizontal direction is
field. All traces taken at about 0.4 K. a) Transitions with
vecH _|_ ^c and vecH || ^c for a
Tc = 0.95 K sample. For both orientations the
transitions appear smooth. b) Transitions with vecH
_|_ ^c and vecH || ^c for a Tc = 1.5 K
sample. For vecH _|_ ^c, the transition looks
smooth, consistent with its expected type II character. For
vecH || ^c, on the other hand, there is a small
discontinuity in the susceptibility near the upper critical
field which is indicated by an arrow. This feature was seen
consistently in Tc = 1.5 K samples.
Thermodynamic critical fields obtained
from Hc2(theta) fits versus temperature
for Tc = 1.5 K C4KHg specimens. The
numbers plotted here are the same as in Table
(bigtriangleup), data for a Tc = 1.53 K
sample; (circ), data for a Tc = 1.54 K
sample; (diamond), a linear fit to the data with
Hc(0) = 85.2 g; (circ), a quadratic fit
to the data with Hc(0) = 66.5 g; (×),
Hc(t) calculated using the specific heat data of
Alexander et al.,[8] which gives
Hc(0) = 112 Oe.
Comparison of the Tinkham formula and
AGL theory fits to Hc2(theta) data on a
Tc = 1.5 K C4KHg-GIC. bullet,
data at t = 0.55. circ, AGL fit with
Hc2(0°) = 19 Oe, 1/epsilon = 15.5,
and a residual cal R = 0.84. diamond, TF fit
with Hc2(0°) = 23 Oe, 1/epsilon = 13,
Hc = 41 Oe, and cal R = 0.47. Below, a
plot of the errors of each fit versus theta. The
same symbols are used.
Critical field Hc2 as a
function of reduced temperature for C4KHg.
Dotted curves are least-squares line fits to the data. Fit
parameters are given in Table
. a) Data for a
C4KHg with Tc = 0.95 K:
(circ), vecH _|_ ^c. (bullet),
vecH || ^c Data for a Tc = 0.73 K sample
from Ref. [240]:
(diamond), vecH _|_ ^c. (×),
vecH || ^c. b) Data for two C4KHg-GIC's
with Tc 1.5 K. Tc = 1.53 K sample:
(circ), vecH _|_ ^c. (bullet),
vecH || ^c. Tc = 1.54 K sample:
diamond, vecH _|_ ^c. ×, vecH ||
Critical fields with vecH || ^c
for Tc 1.5 K C4KHg samples.
Uparrow marks the value of Tc found using
a zero-field temperature sweep. a) (bullet), data
for a Tc = 1.53 K sample; (diamond), a
linear fit to the data with Hc2(0) = 89.7 Oe,
Tc = 1.65 K and cal R = 6.25e-3; (.), a
quadratic fit to the data with Hc2(0) = 64.0 Oe,
Tc = 1.55 K and cal R = 1.2e-2. b)
(bullet), data for a Tc = 1.54 K sample;
(diamond), a linear fit to the data with
Hc2(0) = 85.8 Oe, Tc = 1.62 K and
cal R = 1.62e-3; (.), a quadratic fit to the data
with Hc2(0) = 62.8 Oe, Tc = 1.51 K
and cal R = 4.7e-2.
Comparison of WHH and linear fits to
Hc2(T) data taken on a Tc = 1.54 K
sample. a) (bullet), data for vecH _|_ ^c.
(.), linear fit with Hc2(0) = 748 Oe,
Tc = 1.52 K, and cal R = 6.9e-3.
(circ), WHH fit with Hc2(0) = 518 Oe,
Tc = 1.53 K, and cal R = 1.6e-2. b)
(bullet), data with vecH || ^c. (.), linear
fit with Hc2(0) = 85.8 Oe, Tc = 1.62
K, and cal R = 1.6e-3. (circ), WHH fit with
Hc2(0) = 59.76 Oe, Tc = 1.63 K, and
cal R = 1.2e-2.
Summary of all Hc2 data, both
_|_ and || to the c-axis. The dimensionless quantities
plotted are reduced field ( h*) versus reduced
temperature (t). (bullet), 143 data points taken on
5 different GIC's. (circ), best 2-parameter WHH fit
to the data with cal R = 1.7e-2. (.), best linear
fit to the data with cal R = 1.3e-2. Both fits have
fracdh*dt = -1 at t = 1.
Demonstration of the temperature
dependence of the anisotropy parameter epsilon in
C4KHg, where 1/epsilon ==
Hc2(90°)/Hc2(0°). Data are
for a Tc = 1.54 K C4KHg sample.
(circ), t = 0.29. (bullet), t = 0.55.
(×), t = 0.76. All Hc2(0°) values were
determined from the data, not the fits, so that this plot
is model-independent. Fits to this data are shown in
Temperature-dependent anisotropy in
C8KHg is demonstrated by a plot of
Hc2(theta)/Hc2(0°) versus
theta, just as in Figure
. All data from Iye and Tanuma, Ref. [240] on a Tc = 1.94 K
sample. (×), data at t = 0.23. Fit, (diamond),
with 1/epsilon = 17.6 and cal R = 6.8e-3.
(bullet), data at t = 0.81. (circ), fit with
1/epsilon = 21.6 and cal R = 5.3e-3.
Positive curvature of Hc2(T)
in C8RbHg. Data are taken from Iye and Tanuma,
Ref. [120].
(circ), Hc2, _|_ ^c. (bullet),
Hc2, || ^c. Parameters for the line fits: for
vecH _|_ ^c, Hc2(0) = 3078 Oe,
Tc = 1.36 K, and cal R = 0.56; for
vecH || ^c, Hc2(0) = 89.0 Oe,
Tc = 1.37 K, and cal R = 3.02e-2.
Zero-field Tc for this sample was 1.4 K.[120]
Theoretical demonstration of dimensional
crossover in Josephson-coupled superlattices from the work
of Klemm, Luther and Beasley.[131]. r is the parameter which
characterizes the dimensionality of coupling. alpha,
tauSO, and H P == 4
kB Tc/ pi mu are
parameters which characterize the degree of Pauli-limiting
(Pauli-limiting is discussed in Section
). The inset shows a plot of T*/ Tc
(where T* is the dimensionality crossover
temperature) versus r.
Tc versus normal-layer
thickness for S/N bilayers. Figure taken from Ref. [261] Here D N
and D S are the thicknesses of the normal and
superconducting layers, and T cS is the bulk
Tc of the superconducting component.
Approximately T/ TcS = (1 - t(DN
-> infty))(1 -
exp-2DN/xi), where xi is
the dirty-limit Pippard coherence length.
Extended critical field linearity due to
small-scale sample inhomogeneity. From a calculation by
Carter and colleagues.[34] The plots are of reduced
field versus reduced temperature for several different
normalized diffusivity distribution functions Q(y). Q(y) ==
DaveP(D), where P(D) is the distribution
function for diffusivity, Dave is the average
diffusivity, and y == D/D ave. In the lower
plot, a P(D) skewed to lower diffusivities produces an even
greater critical field enhancement at low temperatures. The
index n refers to the power of the linear factor used to
skew the symmetric distribution.
Illustration of how v_|_
vecH (vecq) changes as a function of
wavevector vecq for an ellipsoidal Fermi surface.
vecq is the coordinate of a point on the Fermi
surface. B is Dalrymple's anisotropy parameter, which is
equivalent to epsilon in the AGL model.[50]
Enhanced linearity of h*(t)
calculated from Butler's equations[33] using an ellipsoidal FS
model. Taken from Ref. [50]. Dalrymple's parameter B
is equivalent to 1/epsilon in the AGL model. The B =
1.0 curve is for a spherical Fermi Surface, and so is
equivalent to the WHH theory.
Butler-model[33] fit of NbSe2
Hc2(t) data. Figures taken from Dalrymple's
thesis.[50] a)
Hc2, _|_ = Hc2, || ^c. An excellent
fit is obtained by using the Wexler-Woolley Fermi Surface
model[263] plus an
additional ellipsoid. b) Hc2, || = Hc2, _|_
^c. The Wexler-Woolley-plus-ellipsoid model produces
the correct shape, but needs to be multiplied by an
additional factor of 2.1 to account for mean-free-path
Two-band model fit to anomalous
Hc2(t) of
Cs0.1WO2.9F0.1 from Ref.
[81]. The plot is of
h* versus t. The curve labeled (4) is the
Helfand-Werthamer isotropic theory. The crosses, circles
and squares are experimental data for three different
crystallographic orientations (the orientations are not
specified). Curve (1) is the two-band model with no
interband-scattering, whereas (2) and (3) correspond to
increasing interband-scattering. The parameters of these
fits are too numerous to list here, but may be found in
Ref. [81].
Fermi surface computed for
C4KHg by Holzwarth and colleagues.[112] The basic structure of
the Fermi surface is similar to that of NbSe2[51] in that both have
pieces of nearly cylindrical symmetry at the corner of a
hexagonal Brillouin zone, and both have higher masses for
transport along kz than in the layer planes. The
hexagonal solid line is the Brillouin zone; the roughly
triangular pieces drawn with a solid line at the corners of
the BZ are the graphitic pi bands. The pieces drawn
with a dotted line are due to mercury bands. The small
circular zone-center part is from Hg 6s holes; the
hexagonal portion is from Hg 6ppi electron carriers;
and the trigonal pieces at the zone corner are derived from
H 6psigma bands.
Comparison of Hc2(T) in
C8K and C6K, one of its high-pressure
phases. a) Data on a Tc = 134 mK C8K
sample taken by Koike and Tanuma.[141] Note the marked positive
curvature of the critical fields. Hsc|| is a
supercooling field. b) Data on a Tc = 1.5 K
sample of C6K from Ref. [13]. (circ), Hc2,
_|_ ^c; (bigtriangleup), Hc2, ||
^c. Note the enhanced linearity of the critical
Hydrogen stoichiometry dependence of the
superconducting transition temperature Tc, Debye
temperature thetaD, the Einstein
temperature TE, and the linear specific heat
coefficient Gamma in C8KHx and
C8RbHx. From Ref. [78]. The label F(x)/F(0)
indicates that each of the quantities is plotted normalized
to 1.0 at x = 0.
Schematic density-of-states for a)
C8K and b) C8KH0.55. From
Ref. [171]. Note
the very small hole band near EF in b).
Tc increase in
TaS2 induced by a) hydrogenation and b)
pressure. a) From Ref. [179]. The error bars represent
the transition width, while the circles are the volume %
superconducting. This experiment was performed on a powder
sample. At a hydrogen concentration ofu.87, Tc
;SPMlt; 0.5 K (not shown). b) From Ref. [90]. TCDW is the
CDW onset temperature, while Tc is the usual
superconducting transition temperature. 4H b and
2H are TaS2 polytypes with different crystal
In-plane resistivity discontinuities in
TaSe2 associated with CDW formation. From Ref.
[264]. 1T- and 2H-
refer to different polytypes (crystal structures). The CDW
transitions occur at 473 K in 1T-TaSe2 and at
117 K in 2H-TaSe2, respectively. Notice that
1T-TaSe2 has a higher resistivity below its
transition, whereas the resistivity of 2H-TaSe2
decreases at its transition.
Superconducting transitions before and
after hydrogenation in three types of C4KHg
samples. a) A gold sample. Tc increases from
0.88 K to 1.54 K, and Delta Tc/
Tc decreases from 7.3× 10-2 to
7.8× 10-2. b) A pink sample. Tc
is almost constant; Delta Tc/
Tc decreases from 4.7× 10-2 to
2.2× 10-2. c) A copper-colored sample.
Tc increase from 1.32 K to 1.50 K; Delta
Tc/ Tc decreases from 0.138 to
6.47× 10-2.
Pressure dependence of Tc in
KHg-GIC's. From Ref. [55]. a) Pressure-induced
transition narrowing in C4KHg. Notice that the
application of a small pressure, 0.8 kbar, increases
Tc to 1.5 K, while application of further
pressure decreases Tc at a rate
dTc/dP = -5×10-5 K/bar. b)
Monotonic decline of Tc with pressure in
C8KHg. dTc/dP =
-6.5×10-5 K/bar.
Possible Fermi surface nesting wave
vector in C8K. From Ref. [115]. The horizontal
cross-section of the FS in the Gamma-K-M plane is
shown. The arrow indicates the proposed nesting wave vector
near the M point.
Temperature dependence of the
resistivity and susceptibility in the alkali-metal mercury
GIC's. From Ref. [72]. a) Temperature
dependence of the resisitivity. Curves (1) and (2) are for
C4RbHg; (3) is for C4KHg; (4) is for
C8RbHg; and (5) is for C8KHg. b)
Temperature dependence of the susceptibility. Curves (1)
and (2) are for C4KHg; (3) is for
C8RbHg; (4) is for
C4K0.5Rb0.5Hg; (5) is for
C4RbHg, and (6) is for C8KHg.
An electron micrograph showing
intercalant inclusions (bright regions) in a
C4CsBix alpha +
beta-phase polycrystal grown here at MIT. The
magnification for this micrograph is indicated by the 100
nm scale bar. [Micrograph prepared by J. Speck, MIT.]
A plot of superconducting transition
temperature Tc for C4CsBix
versus starting alloy Bi/Cs ratio. bigotimes, MIT
data from Ref. [36];
bigtriangleup, University of Kentucky data from Ref.
[270]; and bigcirc,
Freie Universität Berlin data from Ref. [223]. The X are alloy (not GIC)
data from the CRC Handbook. The presence of
downarrow means that the nearest point represents an
upper bound on Tc. Data from the University of
Nancy is not included because precise starting alloy
compositions are not given for their samples.
The transverse magnetoresistance of a
C4CsBi0.6 (stage 1,
alpha-phase) sample at 1.2 K with a current of 1 mA.
The current is applied in the graphite planes; the magnetic
field is along the graphite c-axis.
a) Fourier transform of the data in
. Most reproducible
frequency is (1120 ± 110) T, although other
frequencies sometimes occur. b) Comparison of the data from
with a simulated trace
calculated using Equation
and parameters
obtained from the Fourier transform of the data. The
calculated curve is offset from the data for clarity.
(3root13 X 8)R(15°,0°)
in-plane unit cell proposed for
C4CsBi0.6 by A.
a) Softening of the elastic constant
C33 as a function of composition in the
C8K(1-x)Rbx system. From
Ref. [183]. The
elastic constant was obtained from a fit to the acoustic
branch of the phonon system. The phonons were observed
using inelastic neutron scattering. Similar softening of
the M-point optic modes has been seen using Raman
scattering.[219] b)
Tc versus x in the
C8K(1-x)Rbx system. Only
the endpoint compounds have been characterized.
Coherence lengths of a uniaxial
superconductor. As pointed out by Morris et
al.,[175] the
coherence length of a uniaxial superconductor is the length
of a vector from the center of a biaxial ellipsoid to its
edge. a) The case of an aligned sample, which is described
by Eqn.
. (See Figure
a).) The ellipsoid has two radii of length
xia and one of length epsilon
xia. b) The case where the sample is
tilted by an angle ø, which is described by Eqn.
. Now the ellipsoid is
triaxial, with one of the coherence lengths of size
xia from a) being replaced by one of size
xia sqrtcos2
ø + epsilon2
sin2 ø.
Cross-section of the flux quantum in a
uniaxial superconductor. In all cases, the magnetic field
is directed out of the paper. a) The aligned case. For
vecH || ^c, the cross-section of the flux quantum
along the field direction is circular. b) The tilted case.
Now that the ellipsoid that determines
xi(theta) is triaxial, the cross-section of
the flux quantum is non-circular for all field
(Alison Chaiken)
Wed Oct 11 22:59:57 PDT 1995