The effect of hydrogen on superconductivity in C8K
must be a balance of opposing tendencies since hydrogen can
either raise or lower Tc. From the discussion
above concerning the transition metals, one might anticipate
that the opposing factors might be the decrease in carrier
density and increase in electron-phonon coupling that are
generally associated with hydrogenation of metals.[233] The Tc's of
hydrogenated K-GIC's are collected in Table .
Table: Superconducting transition
temperatures of the KH-GIC's and C8K. Two methods
of preparation are possible: direct intercalation of KH
powder into graphite,[76]
and intercalation of K into graphite to form C8K,
followed by hydrogen chemisorption.[78] Single-phase specimens are
difficult to obtain because of slow hydrogen sorption
The situation in the KH-GIC's is complicated by the presence of multiple phases, just as in the KHg-GIC's. In the KH-GIC's, both alpha ( Ic = 8.43-8.53 Å) and beta ( Ic = 9.13 Å) phases can coexist in a given sample.[213,231] The structure and stoichiometry of these phases is uncertain.[171] To complicate matters further, staging disorder is also a common feature of the KH-GIC's, unlike the KHg-GIC's, which are nearly always single-stage. One reason for the staging disorder in the chemisorbed compounds is the complex behavior as a function of hydrogen stoichiometry. Starting with a C8K sample, hydrogen goes into interstitial sites in C8K up to x = 0.1. For x > 0.1, the stage II compound, also denoted C8KHx, begins to form. Stage I and stage II coexist until x = 0.67, when the last stage I material transforms to stage II.[153] Other reasons for disorder are the large number of steps that go into the reaction and the fairly complicated final structure.
Despite all this complexity, Enoki et al. have done
an admirable job of making sense out of the numbers in Table
. Their interpretation, which is based on specific heat
and conductivity measurements, is summarized by Figure
below. The decline in Gamma with increasing x shows
that H is lowering the carrier density and must have at least
a partially ionic character. The lower density of states in
the KH-GIC's as compared to the K-GIC's is also seen in
Shubnikov-deHaas[79] and
optical measurements.[62]
The sequential increase and decrease in
thetaD and TE shows that
hydrogen first stiffens and then softens both the acoustic
and optic modes in C8K.
Figure: Hydrogen stoichiometry dependence
of the superconducting transition temperature Tc,
Debye temperature thetaD, the Einstein
temperature TE, and the linear specific heat
coefficient Gamma in C8KHx and
C8RbHx. From Ref. [78]. The label F(x)/F(0) indicates
that each of the quantities is plotted normalized to 1.0 at x
= 0.
The data shown in Figure can be analyzed to
produce the numbers listed in Table
which is adapted from Ref. [78]. The conclusions one draws from
examination of this table are similar to those from study of
the transition metal hydrides, but with some important
differences. As noted in Ref. [78], the main effect of hydrogen is
that as a function of x the electron-phonon coupling
parameter increases and the density of states at the Fermi
level decreases. The Tc enhancement with
hydrogenation is therefore accounted for mostly by a larger
Lambda. The increase in Lambdaep
with x is overwhelmed at large x by the decrease in carrier
density that is reflected by the fall in the DOS.
Table: Parameters relevant to
superconductivity in the KH- and RbH-GIC's. Adapted from Ref.
[78]. The density of states
has been corrected for the electron-phonon coupling.
dagger means a calculated parameter; ?
means not measured.
None of the previous statements is at all surprising in light
of the results of hydrogenation on the transition metals.
What is a little bit hard to account for is the mechanism by
which Lambdaep increases. According to
Equation , the hydrogen-induced
rise in thetaD and TE in the
KH-GIC's should lower rather than raise
Lambdaep. The source of the Tc
increase in the KH-GIC's may be the optic modes associated
with the hydrogen atoms, just as in the hydrogenated
transition metals.[77] The
very slight metallic character of H in KH-GIC's[171,75] could contribute to the
enhancement of the electron-phonon coupling. Evidence for the
hydrogen hole band near the Fermi level comes from electron
spin resonance, thermopower, and conductivity
measurements.[171,75] The schematic density of
states of C8K before and after hydrogenation is
shown in Figure
. The reasonableness of
the optic-mode explanation for the hydrogen-induced
Tc increase is hard to judge, but further
experiments are underway.
Figure: Schematic density-of-states for a)
C8K and b) C8KH0.55. From
Ref. [171]. Note the
very small hole band near EF in b).
Superconductivity in the KH-GIC's is not completely understood, but there are several generalizations that can be made. Firstly, hydrogenation tends to decrease the density of states at the Fermi level by putting carriers into low-lying hydrogen bands. Secondly, hydrogenation strongly increases the electron-phonon coupling, although how exactly it does so is not clear. Whether the optic phonons associated with hydrogen are crucial for the KH-GIC's, as they are in the transition metals, is not yet certain.
Besides the KH-GIC's, another group of materials with much in common with the KHg-GIC's is the transition metal dichalcogenides. The effect of hydrogenation on superconductivity in the TMDC's is discussed below.