ResumeParser program

ResumeParser is a resume creation and formatting program that is intended to implement Model-View-Controller for my personal resume maintenance. The goal of the project is to allow the user to maintain an XML career database (the Model) which can be rendered via Java and XSLT (the Controller) into various formats and lengths supported by XSLT-FO (the Views). So far the output is any format you want as long as that format is XHTML. The best sources of further info are, inevitably, the README file and the source code.

I wrote at HackerDojo during my employer's holiday shutdown in 2009. My 2010 employer didn't have a holiday shutdown, so that's why I didn't finish it.

offered under the Creative Commons
      Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license offered under
      the Gnu Public License v3 Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS! (Alison Chaiken)