Figure 3

Figure 3: a) H||(100) magnetization curve for a Fe76Å/Ag65Å/(Fe29Co71)84Å/Ag33Å sandwich. This orientation is the easy axis for the Fe film, which reverses in the square portion of the loop, but is the hard axis for the alloy film, which contributes the linear magnetization tail at higher fields.

b) Detail showing low-field behavior. Circles indicate the field region where the moments are 135 degrees apart, as sketched in the diagrams. The nearly horizontal parts of the loop correspond to the two moments being oriented 45 degrees apart for both directions of sweep (marked as in Fig. 2b)).

c) H||(100) magnetoresistance curve for the same sandwich. The resistance is maximum in the field range where the angle between the Fe and alloy moments is 135 degrees (as illustrated in Fig. 3b). Dashed and solid lines are as in part b). (Alison Chaiken)
Wed Oct 11 09:49:01 PDT 1995