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Figure 1: Magnetoresistance data with H along a [110] direction for an MBE-grown Fe-Cr-Fe sandwich with a 16Å Cr layer. Here the magnetoresistance Dr/r(%) is defined to be 100*[r(H=Hs)- r(H=0)]/r(H=0). The solid-headed arrows indicate the orientation of the moments of the two Fe films at a given applied field. The positions of the characteristic fields HJ and Hs are indicated.

Figure 2: Characteristic fields of an MBE-grown Fe-Cr-Fe sandwich with a 16Å Cr layer. The fields HJ and Hs are defined as indicated in Figure 1. The indicated line fit has the functional form Hs(T) = 2.40 kOe - (2.44x10-3 kOe/K)×T.

Figure 3: a) Temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance for two types of Fe-Cr sandwiches. The error bars represent the uncertainty due to temperature drift. a) H perpendicular to I data for two MBE-grown sandwiches. The fit parameters are: -Dr/r(T) = 2.0% - (3.3x10-3 %/K)×T for the tCr = 16Å sample, and -Dr/r(T) = 1.4% - (2.2x10-3 %/K)×T for the tCr = 17 Å sample.

b) H||I and H perpendicular to I data for an evaporated polycrystalline Fe-Cr sandwich with tCr = 12Å. Both applied field directions are in the plane of the films. For H perpendicular to I, the fit is -Dr/r(T) = 1.5% - (3.0x10-3 %/K)×T, while for H||I it is -Dr/r(T) = 1.0% - (2.8x10-3 %/K)×T.

Figure 4: Temperature dependence of the two components of the magnetoresistance for the sample of Figure 3(b). The anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) is the difference between the H||I and H perpendicular to I curves in Figure 3(b), while the spin-valve effect is their average. The fit to the spin-valve data is given by -Dr/r(T) = 1.3% - (2.9x10-3 %/K)×T. (Alison Chaiken)
Wed Oct 11 09:49:01 PDT 1995